General privacy conditions

v1 dd 15/05/2018 09:08:24

1. Introduction

The aim of this privacy policy is to inform you of the data that we collect, the reason why we collect it, whether the data is shared with third parties, for how long it is stored, the rights you have and how you can exercise them.

2. Who are we?

Resengo NV is the controller responsible for processing your personal data. Our registered office is in Junostraat 21 BE-2600 Berchem and our Crossroads Bank for Enterprises number is BE 0479.650.944 .

You can contact us as follows:
Tel: +32 3 547 02 10

We have appointed a Data Protection Officer in our organisation who deals with all privacy-related issues. You can reach this person as follows:

3. Which personal data do we process and why?

We process the following personal details:

First name, surname, email address, telephone number
There is a contractual requirement for us to register your reservation or order correctly and to contact you in relation with your reservation or order when necessary. You will receive confirmation and one or more reminders of your reservation or order by email and possibly also by text message. After visiting us or receiving our goods, we may send you an email to ask for your opinion on your experience.
If you furthermore give us your explicit consent by subscribing to our newsletter, your email address will also be used to inform you by email of our activities and promotions. However, you can unsubscribe at any time.

IP address
Your IP address is registered at the time when you make a reservation or place an order. This is used to establish your location (country) and to adjust the content of the reservation or purchase flow.
The IP address is also recorded upon the reservation or order to prevent fraud. We do not identify you based on your IP address.

Date of birth
It is optional to complete your date of birth. By doing so, you give us permission to send you a special offer for your birthday and to accord you a more personal treatment.
Your age can be used in an anonymised way for statistical purposes.

Address details
There is a contractual requirement for us to request those details since we need them for billing - only when applicable, as indicated in our General Terms and Conditions which you accept when making a reservation.
Your postcode may also be used in an anonymised way for statistical purposes.

4. Are your personal data shared with third parties?

Your personal data will never be sold or passed on to third parties for commercial objectives.

The only circumstances in which your personal data can be passed on to third parties are:

- When we are under a legal obligation to pass on personal data, for example, in the context of (the prevention of) fraud and abuse.

When we engage third parties to carry out part of the agreement with you, in which case we will ensure that these third parties also comply with this privacy policy, see 5. By whom / in which systems are your data processed?

5. By whom / in which systems are your data processed?

We engage the third parties referred to below in order to fulfil part of the agreement with you. We will ensure that each one of these third parties complies with this privacy policy.

We use the system of www.resengo.comas the main system to manage our reservation and online ordering data.
Resengo will not use your personal data in any way for commercial or other objectives without your express consent which you can only give on the Resengo platform itself. You are therefore never giving your explicit consent for this merely by making a reservation or placing an online order with us.
When you make your reservation or order, a passive profile will be created for you on the Resengo platform. This is to allow your email address to be matched with pre-existing profiles in the database in order to prevent double registrations and to ensure that your personal reservations and orders are grouped under your name.
If you don’t complete your reservation or order, your email address will be temporarily stored in order to give you an opportunity to complete your reservation or order at a later stage. At that point, your email address is only stored on the Resengo platform and hence not communicated to us.
When you pass on your details to us by phone, we will enter them manually into the Resengo platform and a match will be carried out based on your email address, the combination of your surname and date of birth (if you have indicated your date of birth) or mobile number.
If you want to use the option in the reservation flow to invite friends, you will first be asked to activate your profile in the Resengo platform in accordance with the privacy policy applicable there.

We use Ingenico and Mollie to process online payments, depending on the payment method. As soon as you pay for an order online, the data of the order and your basic contact details will be passed on to Ingenico. You will be able to see and amend the basic data to be forwarded immediately at the time when you actually make the payment.
At Mollie, only a reference of the payment and the amount is provided and a unique numerical reference to your Resengo account.
We do not receive any usable information back from Ingenico/Mollie about your payment, except in relation to whether or not the payment succeeded. At no time will we receive your credit card information in usable form and it will hence not be stored by us.

6. How long are your personal data stored?

We retain reservation details, including any personal data associated with a reservation (such as contact details) for a period of two years.

We may retain personal data for longer if necessary, such as in the event you subscribe to the newsletter, when we will need to retain your email address for a longer period.
You will always have the right to get your data deleted before then (see 8. What rights do you have?), unless you still have open reservations with us.

We will always store your contact data since we are under a statutory obligation to retain a register of our alumni.

7. Which cookies do we use?

The cookies used are only functional cookies and analytical cookies to optimise the application’s efficiency. No use is made of tracking cookies to identify you or to adapt the content of this or another page to your profile.
Certain cookies expire at the end of your session. Other cookies remain active but only for up to two years.

It guarantees that Resengo works properly (e.g. to remember the user’s preferred language; to remember whether you are logged in)

Google analytics
Google Analytics collects anonymised data on the use of Resengo in order to improve its operation.

Hotjar collects anonymised data on the use of Resengo in order to make it more user-friendly.

Application insights
Application insights collects data on the performance of Resengo in order to improve it.

When you log in with Facebook, Facebook installs a cookie to remember your session.

Userflow is used to guide visitors in their actions within Resengo. Data is collected to optimize navigation and user experience.

8. What rights do you have?

You have several rights that you can exercise by contacting us on the above contact details.

- Inspection of the personal data that relates to you and that we process, or to ask for any inaccurate or incomplete personal data to be deleted if applicable, as well as - in some cases - arranging to restrict the processing of your personal data or to oppose it.

- For your personal data to be transferred either by providing it to you in a legible format, or by forwarding it directly to a third service provider of your choice.

- To object to your personal data being used for direct marketing purposes.

- To revoke a previously given consent for processing personal data.

- To lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority, in the event you are not satisfied with the way we dealt with your question or complaint, using the following information:

Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussel
+32 (0)2 274 48 00

9. How can you exercise your rights?

Please address any questions or complaints concerning the processing of personal data by email only to the email address
Your questions will always be dealt with within the statutory period of 30 calendar days.